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来源:   发布时间:2012-11-07点击:4681次

Brief introduction of Hani Rice Terraces Scenic Spots
Yuanyang Hani Rice Terraces and sea of clouds have their own distinctive features. The 190,000 mu amazing Hani Rice Terraces left by Hani ethnic minorities is called “sculpture in the earth” and “the Wonders of the World”,“elegant demeanor of China” as well.
The shape of plowed terraces changes with the landscapes of the mountain. The farmers reclaim big terraces in gradual land while small ones in steep land. The terraced fields reach more than thousands of layers in just one side of the mountain, the largest piece of which can be acres wide, and the smallest one is less than one meter. The terraces peacefully lay on the mountains, which forms a set of poetic picturesque picture scroll of nature beauty.
For thousands of years, the terraces have already formed a benign circulation of the ecological system comprised of four elements: “forest, water, village and terrace”, taking on a fairyland like scene on earth. “The irrigated canals and ditches among the mountains look like elegant jade belts; layers of terraces look like ladders to the heaven.” which implicates the harmony between man and nature. The terraces is the harmonious model of living environment and farming culture of Hani ethnic minority, as well as the masterpiece of the terraces culture and the miracle in the farming history of the world. The terraces, which shows us the harmonious model between human and nature, is authorized “World-class brand” by UNESCO. According to the “Guidance book of implement world heritage” paragraph 77, experts affirm Yuanyang Hani Rice Terraces is qualified for 4 of the 6 rules to be a member of the world heritage site. In 2007, State Forestry Bureau formally approved Yuanyang Hani Terraced Fields to be the first national wetland park of Yunnan province. In 2010, UN Food and Agricultural Organization approved it to be the Agricultural culture heritage sites
Except terraces, Yuanyang is famous for the sea of clouds as well. Yuanyang is reputed as “land of sea of clouds”. With the embellishing of the sea of clouds, terraces look more mysterious and graceful. In the moment of sunrise or sunset, the sea of clouds is considered as the most spectacular scene. In the sunshine, the sea of clouds becomes gorgeous, just likes elegant brocade and rouge. When the cloud scatters, the villages,mountain,terraces and the mushroom-shaped house emerge from the valley, taking on a poetic picturesque picture scroll.


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